Saint-Cernin enjoys the privilege of being not too far from urban life but with the genuine possibility of savouring the priceless pleasures of country life. Our village is the southern gateway to the Pays de Salers.
Saint-Cernin is the first rural village encountered as you leave the Aurillac urban centre by the North. It enjoys the privilege of being not too far from urban life but with the genuine possibility of savouring the priceless pleasures of country life.
The town's warm welcome and diversity of facilities are proof of its simplicity, increasing its appeal to city dwellers and tourists in search of authenticity. Saint-Cernin, built into the hillside, clings to the western flank of the Cantal volcano. From the Plateau, at the Croix de Saint-Pierre, the view of the Monts du Cantal is superb. The Saint-Cernin valley, carved out by the River Doire, marks the entrance to the Volcanic Natural Park. Picturesque hamlets dot the valley and surrounding plateaux.
Saint-Cernin also boasts socio-educational and sports facilities, including a primary school and secondary school, over 25 associations and a rich cultural heritage. The church of Saint-Saturnin, with its 12th-century gable bell tower, features remarkable sculpted modillions and 15th-century wooden stalls from the church of Saint-Chamant. Admire the Château du Cambon, a former stronghold transformed into a pleasure residence, see the ruined 14th-century keep tower of Marze or the Château de Ragheaud, discover the 15th-century stone crosses at Saint-Martin-le-Valois... Saint-Cernin is also the birthplace of Henri Mondor, a member of the Académie Française and the Académie de Médecine, who laid down the modern rules of surgery.
There were two churches, one at St Martin Valois and the other at St Cernin.
In 2021, a heritage trail will trace its history from the 18th to the 20th century.
Play area, Picnic area, Public WC, Camper van reception area, Car park, Defibrillator, Media library, Restaurant, Free car park
Language spoken