How to get here ?
Travelling to the Pays de Salers by plane, by train, by car.
On this page you'll find general information about how to get to the Cantal county and the region of Salers.

By Car
From Montpellier via the RN 122
From Clermont-Ferrand via the A75 and then the RN122
From Bordeaux via the A89 and then the D980
From Toulouse via the RN122
From Limoges via the N20 and then the N120

Car rental
In Tronquières airport in Aurillac, you can rent your car for your stay in the Pays de Salers.
2 agencies are at your disposal :
Other possibilities in downtown Aurillac :
Agence Avis, 10 Avenue Georges Pompidou - 15000 Aurillac
Agence Rent a Car, 46 Avenue Georges Pompidou - 15000 Aurillac
Electric car charging station
Pleaux : Place d'empeyssine (coordonnées gps : 45.135574 / 2.228249) 15700 Pleaux
Salers : Rue Notre-Dame (coordonnées gps : 45.138721 / 2.4941) 15140 Salers

En covoiturage
Inscrivez-vous sur le site de la Région en cliquant ici

By plane
Tel. : +33(0)4 71 63 56 98 (Aurillac airport)
Tel. : +33(0)810 478 478 (information)
Tel. : +33(0)802 820 820 (booking)